Photoshoot Anxiety? Why You Don’t Need to Worry

Today, I have shared a post on both Instagram and Facebook that addressed client concerns about being in front of the camera. I hear many of my clients and non clients say they are worried about having their picture taken so will be a little hesitant at the start or simply not book. So today, I've got some fabulous examples of one of my clients who had this exact same worry. AND our first scheduled session, my amazing client cancelled because she wasn't very well at the time and she wasn't really feeling herself so it wasn't the right time and I really do understand that. For ages she actually avoided rescheduling the session. Then several months down the line, a happier person she went ahead and her session still worrying about the prospect of being photographed but with my expert guidance, encouragement she went on to enjoy the session and spend some alone non-riding time with her gorgeous Lusitano horse, Ferrari.

I wonder can any of you relate to this? If so, why?

From someone who wasn't so sure about a photoshoot, I think the expression says it all...

Here's four reasons why you shouldn't worry about having a photoshoot......

  1. You might feel awkward. Absolutely not, it's with your horse - as horse owners we absolutely love the bones off of our horses so it's just spending precious time with one of your favourite loves. So don't let little hang-ups you have stop you from enjoying a photoshoot. I hear a lot of reasons to not have a photoshoot and YES we all have little idiosyncrasies we don't like about ourselves, it's human nature, so put it aside and enjoy the time out with your horse. You're going to be and look amazing!

  2. It's not just a photoshoot focused on you, it's an experience that showcases that beautiful bond you have with your horse so you don't need to do those pretend smiles as you'll be a complete natural and I promise you'll never hear me say CHEESE. I'll be there every step of the way with heaps of encouragement and guidance.

  3. The horse might play up. Yes this is indeed a factor but I put it aside as I too am a horse owner and have been around ponies and horses since the age of 10. I've worked with horses, I've brought on my own 4yo on over the last 12 years so I'm experienced enough to read the signals, learn to shoot quickly and move on to a new location as well as giving out soothing pats to calm situations and a spooky horse.

  4. Like with everything, life is precious and time for our horses is somewhat limited - so why not pause time for a brief moment to create an everlasting memory that you can proudly show off in your home and pass down to generations to come. Let future generations be inspired by what you loved.

Leading off from point three, my dad showed me an old photo of my great grandad on a Chestnut horse (I knew it was Chestnut from the black and white image because of the grey tones and typical Chestnut markings. Plus I've edited a lot of Chestnut horses). I was so wowed by it because up until that point, I had no idea where my love of horses came from. I'd wanted a pony since the age of around 3/4. You could never get me away from the donkeys on the beach or pony rides. I was smitten. No one else in my family has the horse bug like me or even rode horses. So seeing this image was just lovely and sparked off a great conversation. Without that photo, I would've never even spoke about my great grandad in the detail we did.

I guess the message here is to stop making excuses and putting it off as one day it will be too late. If you’d like to know more about how a photoshoot session works, then all you need to do is get in touch.


Annie & Olivia - Their Equine Photoshoot


Saying Goodbye to our Dogs